Sustaining the Future



Oil Drilling in National Wildlife Refuge Celilo Dam in Portland Oregon Baia-Mare Gold Mine in Romania Natural Gas Pipeline in Brazil Oil-Dri Mining Company in Brazil

v Preservation of Nature

Environmental Health v Economic Health

Political Interests v Human Interests

Dependency v Independency of Natural Resources



Discussion Forum

The environment does not simply exist as an objective fact, but that it is socially constituted, such that different groups place different values on different aspects of it. Balancing the economic needs of a country and at the same time preservating the natural resources of the environment is an ongoing problem. Emphasis on want rather than need prevalent in consumer driven economies of most developed and developing countries has generated some serious environmental problems.

In this learning environment you will have the opportunity to explore the issues surrounding the decisions domestic and international governments must make in trying to balance the economic needs of their country while at the same time safeguarding the environment for future generations. You will learn about the many factors involved in decision making as well as the present consequences that occured or future consequences that may occur as a result of that decision.

The top menu contains links to five real cases in the United States as well as in Europe/Asia. Visiting each case will expose you to geography, economics, policitical science, environmental studies, and urban planning. You will discover different perspectives from the people involved in each case. On the left there is a menu of themes that cut across the cases. Please note that not every case invokes every theme.

By selecting a case you will be taken to the introduction of the case. Read and then select a theme. Within the text of each case are links that will take you to a similar theme in another case. At the bottom you will find other resources for that particuliar theme

Resources provides you with geographical or geological information of the area as well as maps. You will also find addresses of people you can e-mail and voice your opinion or ask for more information.

Notepad is where you can jot notes to yourself while criss crossing this learning environment.

The Discussion Forum is where you will post answers to the questions your instructor poses.